Invisalign is an increasingly popular option for adults who are looking to improve the alignment of crowded, gapped, or otherwise misaligned teeth. Older teens who are reluctant to wear metal braces can also benefit from the clear braces treatment, thanks to recent changes in the Invisalign method. Invisalign is a discreet, comfortable, and convenient alternative to conventional orthodontics, and our Invisalign dentist,
Dr. Natalia, is pleased to bring the treatment option to Fort Lauderdale and the surrounding communities of Pompano Beach, Plantation, and Hollywood, FL. Keep reading to find out more about Invisalign, including whether or not it’s right for you.
How Invisalign Works
Invisalign realigns your teeth using a series of trays that are shaped according to your unique dentition. Each one is designed to place pressure on a different part of the bite throughout the treatment. You will be instructed to wear each tray for one to two weeks before advancing to the next in the series. The changes are slight each time, but after about one year, on average, the treatment is complete — and your smile has never looked better!
Invisalign trays are removable, allowing you to eat what you like throughout treatment. Removability also means there are no special techniques for cleaning, like with conventional metal braces. And as long as you are wearing the trays for the recommended 20 to 22 hours daily, you can even feel free to remove them to look and feel your best before important meetings or events.
How Much Does Invisalign Cost?
The cost of the Invisalign treatment depends on several factors, including the complexity of your case and how well you comply with the treatment. Some Invisalign cases can be completed in as little as 6 months, while others may take over 18 months to fully realign the bite. Longer treatments cost more since you will require more trays and additional visits to the dentist.
You can reduce expenses by following all of the Invisalign instructions carefully. Make sure you clean your aligners properly and avoid exposing them to high temperatures. Always store Invisalign in its case while you eat -- it’s easy to toss an aligner in the trash if you wrap it in a paper towel at lunch. And, perhaps most importantly, wear your trays for the recommended 20 to 22 hours each and every day.
These tips can help you progress through the Invisalign treatment without any delays or added expenses. The only way to know for sure how much you can expect your treatment to cost is to visit your Invisalign dentist for a consultation.
Is Invisalign Right for Me?
Invisalign is an attractive option for anyone who wants to improve their teeth alignment, whether for oral health or cosmetic purposes. At Pearl White, we commonly provide Invisalign in Fort Lauderdale to help patients address:
Crowded and crooked teeth: Invisalign can help straighten teeth and is often used in concert with other methods to reduce overcrowding.
Open bite: This happens when there is a gap between two or more teeth, often the front teeth. An open bite can cause jaw pain and trouble speaking.
Crossbite: This occurs when the top and bottom teeth do not correctly align when biting. It can cause wear and tear that eventually leads to tooth damage.
Underbite: This happens when the lower set of teeth jut out farther than the top set. Invisalign can be used to treat underbite in some situations, often in addition to other treatments.
Invisalign is also a great option for adults who have never had braces, as well as those whose teeth have since shifted since having metal braces as a kid. The trays offer a convenient and discreet way to enhance your smile.
The best way to determine whether Invisalign is right for you is to see a dentist or orthodontist. Dr. Natalia can discuss this and other options from our office in Fort Lauderdale. Whether it is during a routine checkup and cleaning or a separate consultation, we are happy to explain the benefits of this treatment and whether it is right for you.
Are There Any Drawbacks to Getting Invisalign in Fort Lauderdale?
Although Invisalign offers several benefits and is a more attractive option than traditional braces for many people, the treatment is not without its challenges.
New patients can have trouble getting used to the fit of their retainer trays. It can be helpful to privately practice speaking with the trays in as a way to get used to them.
Some new Invisalign users may also initially forget to take the trays out when eating. Others may neglect to properly care for the trays, forgetting to store them or accidentally throwing them away, requiring replacements that increase the total cost of the treatment.
One effective strategy is to get multiple aligner cases that can be kept in various places, like your home, work, school, or car. This makes it easier to ensure that you can remove the trays whenever needed and keep them properly stored.
Where Can I Find Invisalign Near Me?
At Pearl White, we regularly consult patients on Invisalign, fit them for trays and monitor their progress throughout the course of the treatment. We have had significant success helping people straighten their teeth and enhance their smiles through the Invisalign method.
Dr. Natalia and the team take the time to understand each individual patient’s situation and needs, proposing a treatment strategy that is specifically tailored to the individual. Whether it is Invisalign, our home teeth-whitening kit, or a wide range of other preventative, restorative or cosmetic treatments, we are pleased to be able to assist people in Fort Lauderdale and across South Florida.
Are you interested in benefitting from the functional and cosmetic benefits of properly-aligned teeth? Invisalign is an excellent option for subtle straightening -- and we can’t wait to help you get started. Schedule an appointment at our Fort Lauderdale office today!