The season is approaching and it is no secret to anyone that our eating habits change a little during this time of the year.
We increase the consumption of desserts and meals that are not normally included in our diet. And there is nothing wrong with this! but we must take additional measures to ensure that we keep our oral health in order.
Below we share some practical tips to take into account during this season:
1) Do not overdo it with the consumption of candy: we know how delicious and tentative are candy canes and ginger cookies… yes also the cake that your favorite aunt makes and the caramel popcorn, but consume them consciously and brush your teeth after you eat your sweets.
2) Use the nutcracker! These utensils can be very decorative, but in reality they have a purpose! Do not use your teeth to bite hard shells that can cause fractures or break your teeth… avoid unnecessary dental emergencies.
3) Maintain your oral hygiene routine: do not forget to brush your teeth at least 2 times a day.
4) Visit your doctor for your dental check up, we know that the holiday season is one of the busiest of the year for many of us, but maintaining your oral health is not a seasonal issue, it is a must!
Follow these tips and we are sure that you will have a good chance to be in Santa’s good list.
Ho Ho Ho
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